How to become Fansly creator and how does works: Registration and verifying your account, setting up a paid subscription and how to work to make money

In recent years, services with paid subscriptions, where authors post exclusive content and offer their fans for monthly payments, access to photos, videos and other materials, have become very popular. The standard rate is $5-$10, it’s not that much, the main thing is to interest your audience.

Making money from paid subscriptions, fan clubs and selling content through Fansly (site review) is one of the best options. The project provides a large set of tools and convenient payouts. Users from all over the world can register here, share anything, no restrictions.

Fansly making money by selling content

What is Fansly?

This platform has many analogues, but some of them are limited to GEO. Here, the door is open to authors from anywhere in the world and any content is allowed to be published. Naturally, many delight their subscribers with candid photos and videos. But to access them, you have to register and pay for a subscription.

Fansly model page

This is what closed author pages look like. They set several different levels of access, varying in price. The most expensive rates open exclusive (the most expensive) content. To start earning money with this site, you need to do a few things:

  1. Registration (fill in information about yourself, enter your email, come up with a password).
  2. Verify (to confirm that you are of legal age).
  3. Fill out the questionnaire (add description, avatar, background).
  4. Upload content to the page (photos, videos, posts).
  5. Set payment settings (rates with prices by level).
  6. Actively manage the page and attract new subscribers.

In addition to paid subscriptions, authors can post with pay-per-view, send files via private messages, and collect tips. They receive 80% of all payments, 20% of the service’s commission.

What is the difference between Fansly and OnlyFans?

You’ve probably heard of OnlyFans, it’s the most popular paid subscription platform, which has become famous all over the world for authors posting shitty content. What other differences are there between these projects?

  • At OnlyFans, you can get subscribers within the platform, only by mutual PR or getting into recommendations (you need to be a star), and on Fansly easier to collect internal traffic, here is the usual search for accounts;
  • The competition on both sites is very high, but many authors say that it is easier to break into the top on Fansly, and this is a great way to attract a lot of traffic to your page;
  • OnlyFans has a basic subscription and different discounts, while Fansly allows you to set up multiple subscription levels with different prices and thus separate subscribers, fans, and real fans;
  • Famous people who hire employees to promote and maintain their accounts will definitely appreciate Fansly, because here you can give access to the management of the page without giving the password;
  • At OnlyFans now there are problems with withdrawal of funds for some countries (for example, residents of Russia), and at Fansly all works in normal mode (Paxum, Skrill or cryptocurrency).

The commission in the services does not differ, and also both services have an affiliate program to earn money on attracting new authors. From their income comes 5%, these funds are deducted from the commission.

Registration on Fansly

Create an account on this site is not difficult, but after passing the usual registration, you must still pass the verification, about this we will tell separately. If you’re ready to get started, go to the official site, and click “Register:

Registration on Fansly

Then a standard form opens, asking you to enter your username (login), email, and password. To save time, use authorization through popular platforms:

Fansly registration form

Immediately after that, you can log in to your personal account. This creates a user account, not the author’s. You will be able to see other people’s accounts, subscribe to some of them, set some parameters in the page settings:

Fansly page setup

At this stage you can get acquainted with the interface, see what the pages of authors look like, what they fill them with, how much money they ask for subscriptions or viewing paid content. To post, you need to verify your account.

Verifying your account

Only verified users can earn money. To be verified, you need to send a special application. Open your profile menu (by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner) and select “Become A Model”:

Fansly account verification

The “Application” button will appear on the page. Click and you will be directed to a form where you have to enter your personal information. Don’t worry, the information is kept confidential, checked only by moderators, subscribers will not see it:

Fill out the data to verify your Fansly account

In principle, it’s easy to figure it all out. You enter your first name, last name, then you choose the day, month and year of birth, below you fill in the data about residence registration (it should be the same as in the passport). On the same page you upload photos of documents, you have to choose the type of ID, add a scan, and then take selfies with the document and a piece of paper in your hands:

Passport verification at Fansly

To prevent new writers from getting confused, here is an example. On the “ID Expirational Date” line, you need to specify until what date your document is valid. If you scroll down even further, you’ll need to choose whether you want explicit content on your page (yes, no, maybe):

Fansly - making money from paid subscriptions, fan clubs, and content sales

You will not pass the inspection if the data on your photo is not readable or if you do not write your name and the current date on a piece of paper. Applications are usually processed within 6 hours. You will receive a notification of successful verification, and all functions will open immediately in your personal cabinet.

Account setup

There are not many settings, to get to them, you need to select the first item “Profile” in the profile menu, and then click the blue button Profile:

New Fansly account profile

All you can do – just upload a background, add an avatar, a short description of the page and specify the location (can not be real):

Fansly - making money from paid subscriptions, fan clubs, and content sales

Choose attractive images, and be sure to add a description, preferably in English, because this platform sits mostly English-speaking audience.

Ways to make money on Fansly

After verification, the functionality to make money on the site opens up. Authors receive money from fans and occasional visitors to the page in various ways:

  1. A paid subscription is a monthly payment for access to wall content. Levels are set up here, with different prices ranging from $5 to $499. It’s up to you how many levels to set up. For example, you could ask $5 for Basic, $20 for Boyfriend, and $100 for Daddy. Let the fans choose the appropriate option (ability to pay is different for everyone).A paid subscription to Fansly
  2. Closed content – you can post it on Fansly even if you have a paid subscription (on OnlyFans, only free accounts can do this). You put up a post and set a pay-per-view. You choose how much the user has to pay to see the photo or video (before paying, he will see a preview or a template stub).Closed content on Fansly
  3. Paid messages – similar scheme sells content through personal messages. You can make photo or video attachments in them, which will be closed before you pay. Fansly has a mass mailing feature, so you can send out paid content to all your subscribers at once. Tiers are available in the personal message settings, too, and you can choose who can send them.Setting up paid messages for authors on Fansly
  4. Tips – Users send them at will. Additional earnings from such donations can be very lucrative if you learn how to draw Tips. For example, you can make a list of actions that you are willing to perform for a certain amount and send this price to patrons. There is a button to send tips in your profile and under each entry.Tips for model Fansly

To squeeze the most out of your audience, you need to use all the methods and understand each of them. To get the most out of your audience, you have to use all of them, and figure out each one.

Setting up a paid subscription

Users can subscribe to the pages of authors for free or for money. Conventionally, they are divided into followers (who do not pay) and subscribers (who have paid any level). When posting new entries, it’s up to the author to decide who can see them. Paid subscriptions can have tiers (Tiers). For example:

  • Level 1 costs $5 – for this money, subscribers can view photos;
  • Level 2 costs $15 – in addition to photos, you also publish videos;
  • Level 3 costs $25 – in addition to content, it opens up access to personal messages.

This is all set up in the Creator Dashboard section. There you can click “Create New Subscription Tier” and add a new access level. Or edit an existing one. You add a name, choose a color, and then activate the functions that the subscriber gets:

Fansly Creator Dashboard

In the tier settings, you can set the maximum number of subscribers. In the “Plans/Pricing” section, you can set the cost and discounts (for example, for paying for several months).

Fansly - making money from paid subscriptions, fan clubs, and content sales

It’s up to you to decide what prices to put on this or that level. But if you’re not a mega-popular star, it’s better not to overcharge them. For newcomers, it’s advisable to keep the fees to a minimum ($5). This money will be paid by subscribers every month, and it’s important to retain it, so they don’t turn off automatic renewal.

How to Post Paid Posts?

On the main page of the site, above the news feed for verified authors, appears a form for adding new posts. This is a standard box with different functions:

Fansly - making money from paid subscriptions, fan clubs, and content sales

It’s just like social networks, only with additional, paid options. To get you up to speed, let’s break down each line and function:

  1. This specifies who can see the recording (read the text). The parameter is changed in the privacy settings.
  2. This is where the text description of the content is inserted.
  3. Fixing an entry on your wall.
  4. Grouping similar posts (creating sections and categories).
  5. Setting up access for commenters (who can comment).
  6. Adding media files to the recording.
  7. Create a scheduled recording with delayed publication.
  8. Pending posts with automatic deletion after a specified time.
  9. Target setting (to collect tips).
  10. Adding to the survey record.
  11. Additional text for a certain category of subscribers.
  12. Recording audio (adding audio files).

New posts need to be published regularly to keep subscribers coming in and not scattering. In particular, it should be some kind of media content (photos and videos). When you press button 6, an upload form opens:

Uploading content to Fansly

The author can add any format of content, select a preview for it and set tags, then click the post button and the entry will immediately appear on the wall. Again, so you don’t get confused, here are the explanations of the buttons:

  1. Loaded Media.
  2. Media Previews.
  3. Add Media.
  4. Access Level.

The last field is the most important, because it selects who will see the entry. It can be subscribers who have paid for access. Or you can select “Add Price” to set the price per view:

Fansly - making money from paid subscriptions, fan clubs, and content sales

If you select Following, the entry will be available to followers (who have a free subscription), if you select Subscribed, all subscribers will see, Subscribed (More Options) allows you to select the level of access, and Limited Time – the entry will be available only for a certain time. If the user does not have access to view, he will see only a preview (blurry picture).

Fansly messaging

Through private messages, you can not only communicate with other users, but also earn money. First, media files are attached to them, which can also be accessed for a fee. Secondly, you can send them to many recipients at once:

Fansly messaging

To create a newsletter, go to personal messages and click the button with an envelope and a + sign. This will open the settings where you are prompted to select:

  • Include Subscribers – all active subscribers (with a choice of levels).
  • Include Expired Subscribers – Subscribers whose paid subscription has expired.
  • Include Followers is a mailing list for free subscribers (followers).

You can also select pre-made lists with subscribers in the settings, and you can use the calendar to schedule the newsletter:

Fansly - making money from paid subscriptions, fan clubs, and content sales

You can see all your pending and completed newsletters in “Broadcast Message Stats,” where you keep statistics with views, tips, and other data. Don’t send newsletters too often, so as not to bore your subscribers.

How do I promote a Fansly account?

Design your account nicely, add an attractive background and an original avatar, and be sure to fill out a description. That’s all you can do to hook a casual visitor. It is better not to count on internal traffic, because it is difficult to break into the first lines in search. There are three basic methods of promotion on Fansly:

Any other platforms

You may already have accounts on similar sites with paid subscriptions. This is the best way to attract subscribers. Some of the most popular ones are:

  • OnlyFans;
  • FriendsOnly;
  • MegaFans;
  • BentBox;
  • LoyalFans;
  • Unlockd;
  • AdultMemberSites;
  • FanCentro;
  • Patreon;
  • Boosty.

On all of these sites, as well as on Fansly, you can create pages with paid access. And if you haven’t registered on them yet, it’s high time you did. That way you’ll reach a wider audience.

Social media

On the most popular platforms, you can talk about your Fansly account, adding some exclusive material to such entries. Any services will do, especially those that are actively used by the English-speaking audience:

  • TikTok;
  • Reddit;
  • Twitter;
  • Instagram;
  • Telegram;
  • YouTube;
  • Quora;

Use not only your own pages, with the search form you can easily find a bunch of different Fansly-related communities and advertise your account in them. Also, don’t forget that you can place ads for money on almost all the sites.

Mutual PR

Many authors are willing to swap promotional posts if you have about the same number of subscribers. You can also look for people who will agree to tell subscribers about your page for money (you tip them). This is a very effective option, because you attract registered users on Fansly. Find pages and contact the authors directly.

We have a detailed article – How to make money on OnlyFans, the same methods will also work for promotion on Fansly.

You have to work hard to get a lot of subscribers. The competition is high, and if you’re not a mega-famous person, you have to work at it. Don’t promote your page, you need to promote your persona, turn your name (nickname) into a brand and talk about it in every way possible.

Withdrawing money from Fansly

Authors on Fansly receive 80% of payments from subscribers, the money comes to the internal balance, where they can be withdrawn after collecting a minimum amount of $20. Withdrawal is possible in three ways:

  • Skrill;
  • Paxum;
  • Cryptocurrencies.

They process applications quickly, and to increase privacy, use cryptocurrencies. Now there are many wallets, exchanges, and exchangers that allow you to accept such coins and easily change them into fiat money (dollars, euros, and other currencies). And if you are lucky, you will also get a profit, due to the increase in the rate.

Unlike OnlyFans, with Fansly the payouts come with no problem, no matter what country you are in.

How much can I earn at Fansly?

Income depends directly on the number of subscribers and the activity of the author. For example, if you get $5 per subscription and have at least 100 subscribers, you get $500 a month. Everyone’s profit varies, and it’s constantly floating. You can find statistics of users who are already working for Fansly online:

How much money can be made on Fansly

In my personal cabinet, there are statistics (Statistics section), which displays income for all methods. As a rule, most of it comes from paid subscriptions. Sometimes tips make just as much money, especially if some clever tricks are used. Also, here you can see who among the subscribers sent the most tips:

Fansly - making money from paid subscriptions, fan clubs, and content sales

Encourage the most generous subscribers and focus your attention on those users. Make a contest of sorts, where you’ll reward the top 10 subscribers from your stats. Give them free exclusive content, fulfill their wishes, and record personalized videos.

The girls who post explicit content are the ones who make the most money on Fansly. Many of them earn about $10,000 a month. This is not the limit, but you still have to get to this level. Promote your page more effectively, post content several times a day, pay more attention to communication with fans, and you’re sure to succeed.


The Fansly platform is already making a lot of money for thousands of authors. Everyone’s income is different, and it depends on many factors. Even if you don’t plan to post adult photos and videos, it’s worth registering here. Audience here is mixed and mostly foreign. The main thing is to share something fascinating or useful.

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